16 April: Meet & Mingle

Meet & Mingle: Local Circular Solutions

You are warmly invited to our Meet & Mingle event to hear about the Finnish circular solutions on Tuesday April 16th at 18:00-20:00! The event will take place at the Helsinki EU office at Rue Guimard 7, B-1040 Bryssel.

Finland, a pioneer in the circular economy, is showcasing new circular solutions, frontrunner cities and regions, at the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) 2024 this April in Bruxelles. In this WCEF side event, we welcome you to meet the Finnish frontrunners of circular economy, while enjoying some beverages and snacks.


Companies presenting their innovations: Make a Bim, Twice Commerce, Borealis, CarbonAide, Aircohol, WasteWise Group, Carbofex, Rester and Niimaar.

We are eager to hear about your circular examples – We hope to see you there!

>> Sign up – limited space

Get in touch with the team Finland:

Venla Virkamäki, Senior Adviser, EU Affairs, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council
+358 40 619 4133, venla.virkamaki@uudenmaanliitto.fi

Anne Vasara, Ambassador, Circular Economy and Green Transition
+358 295 350 039, anne.vasara@gov.fi

Wilhelmiina Koivuniemi, Senior Advisor, EU Affairs, Helsinki EU Office
+32492890076, wilhelmiina.koivuniemi@helsinki.eu
